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This cutter is for cold processed soap.

Our multi-cutter struct firm birch plywood, we used HDPE(High-Density Polyethylene) for the surface that soap will fit and we use acrylic for the surface that soap will stand.

Our standard cutter cut soaps with the sizes but soap can be any length

1'' = 2.5cm, HDPE surface 10cm wide x 35 cm length 

Overall dimensions of cutter: 16.5" long x 11" wide x 8,5" tall = 41.5 cm long x 27.5 cm wide x 22cm tall  

Wires are 0.4 mm diameter and strong galvanized stainless steel. Cutter comes with 3 ready to use and easy change wire. 

This cutter can cut all length soap log.
Wire cleanliness is important if there is any old soap pieces on your wires ıt can cause drag lines on your soap.

This cutter cut only soap log that can fit inside the cutter.

Multi Bar Cutter- 12 Bars

SKU: 00255
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